While MGMT-ites Empire of the Sun prefer to look backwards when it comes to musical inspiration, their new promo video is distinctly forward looking.
Viewers are encouraged click on sun logos that appear throughout the video in order to unlock exclusive content and enter a various competitions.

With different suns leading to different pieces of content or codes, the promo works as a kind of treasure hunt which, while engaging, ultimately distracts you from the video itself. It also appears that the interactive functionality works only on EOTS's own website and therefore they will still have quite a bit of work to do to drive views.
That said this is a novel approach to viewer engagement, data capture and a welcome innovation in music video that is therefore surely a step in the right direction. With laser precision brand fit partnerships and sensitive implementation, this type of technology could represent a new way for artists & labels to monetise their content.
Loving the new Blog Mark! I will be stealing this to put into the music and media weekly then! Love this idea but agree it could take you away from watching the video. Maybe better for estabished acts with hardcore fan base, hunting around for those extra content nuggets. I could picture NIN fans clicking on skulls or something.